Siguiendo los Pasos de Jesus, Inc.

Who is SPJ?
SPJ is a true grass roots non profit. Formed by a group of friends and neighbors who saw a HUGE disparity in our lives versus the lives of people born into a cycle of generational poverty, who resided literally within 40 miles of our homes. Many of us were relocated to El Paso, TX by our employers and for many of us it was our first neighborhood experience of seeing homelessness in a whole new light...not people who had addictions or job loss which put them at risk of poverty, but just by their birth...and we on the other hand were blessed by being born on the American side of the Rio Grande River.

Initially SPJ was only able to donate clothing, small household items and Special Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwiches to those we wanted to bless. By 2006, after 6 years of serving as a group of friends, we formed a Board of Directors and filed to become a 501 (c) (3) non profit. This has enabled us to extend our reach to others and better serve the colonias in Juarez, Mexico. An area which has over 4000 hardworking families who need a helping hand. We continue today as we began, a group of friends reaching out to help others. We are a total voluntary organization, no paid staff and no paid office space... SPJ has professionals onboard which includes pro bono lawyers, doctors, nurses, an accountant, business community members and a school teacher.
Mission Statement
SPJ assists hardworking families in the colonias of Juarez, Mexico.
SPJ desires to end the cycle of poverty into which thousands of families were born. SPJ strives to meet this goal by building a self-sustainable community. Teaching the residents new skills, providing job opportunities in building their own homes and infrastructure. Providing resources to continue every child's education! Providing FREE health care!


How does SPJ determine which families to help with a new home?
Families must have a secured piece of land on which they have paid more than 75% of the property to the landowner, with a viable contract and permission from the land owner to commence building.
How is water made available to residents since there is NO running water in the area?
Water is brought in by trucks, and pumped into plastic or metal water containers in residents' yards. There is a charge and in months of drought it is not always available.
Do SPJ homes have inside plumbing?
SPJ homes are built with 2 bathroom drains, using PVC, and a downward slant to a deep septic built in the yard. With a bucket of water indoor bathing and toilets can function.
Do SPJ homes have electricity and heat?
SPJ homes are all wired for electricity. The electricity is very expensive and often goes out of service.
SPJ supplies each home it builds with a wood stove & piping.
Can anyone come build with the SPJ construction team?
Any adult, 18 years and older, alone or in a group is welcome to join our construction team
Anyone younger than 18 must be accompanied by their parent or legal guardian.
Everyone must have a passport to cross back and forth over the border and sign a volunteer disclaimer form.
Are there other volunteer opportunities with SPJ other than helping on the construction team in Mexico or in the United States?
Volunteers can help in Mexico in many capacities including:
Library reading and game/craft sessions
Food and clothing dispensing
Medical clinic assistance
After school program activities
Women's fitness program assistance
Volunteers can help in the US in many capacities including:
Sorting clothing donations
Hosting food and diaper drives
Networking through social media to raise funding for SPJ
Assisting with SPJ's annual dinner fundraiser.
Helping to obtain silent auction items for the dinner
Helping to sell tickets to the dinner
Helping to acquire dinner sponsors
Helping at the dinner with the seating of guests & with the silent auction as well as being a Live Bid spotter!